Friday, July 15, 2005

Chiiiccaagggoooooooo, heeerree weee coooooooooommmmee!

This weekend Drew and I will be on a sojourn to Chi-town to "cover" the Intonation Music Festival put on by pretentious music journal Pitchfork Media. This is a 2 day festival of some of the biggest (and also some of the best.. not always synonymous) indie-rock bands in this great nation. Their are 2 unfortunate sides of this story:
A. Intonation is the seemingly unneccesary nemesis of the FREE Siren Music Fest put on by the legendary Village Voice at the legendary ghetto/beach Coney Island. I go to Siren every year since its inception a few years ago, and I'm a little annoyed at
Pitchfork for choosing the same day to have their festival with better bands inChicago. But that's ok because since Pitchfork stole all the good bands, Siren don't have shit (except Spoon) this year.
B. Since Drew and I now "work" for my friends new online music journal called Titled, we had hoped and planned that we would be able to get backstage passes to this indie-rock music journals wet dream concert so we could take pictures, interview bands and steal food and equiptment from the bands we like. However, our soon to be majorly influential online music journal isn't off the ground yet and the ringleader of it could NOT get us any passes whatsoever. In fact, we had to get free entry passes from an entirely different source. So this post goes out to Bill for not getting us shit for being awesome and productive and ambitious music journalists.

Any ol way,
The point is that we will be showcasing all our favorite bands at said pretentious music festival and sharing our experiences NOT interviewing bands on our next show on Tuesday night.
This should be something to look foward to, because we will finally have a theme to the show and will be playing a majority of new and hip music for all you hipsters out there that don't listent to our show anyway.

Here are the bands playing at the fest that you can probably look foward to hearing next week:

El P vs. James Mcnew of Yo La Tengo
Head of Femur
The M’s
AC Newman
Magnolia Electric Company
Four Tet
Broken Social Scene
The Go! Team
Prefuse 73
Death From Above 1979

Thunderbirds Are Now!
Xiu Xiu
Out Hud
The Hold Steady
Andrew Bird
The Wrens
Les Savy Fav
The Decemberists

If Titled ever gets launched maybe you'll be able to read our article(s) on Intonation.. but they may never see the light of day..

Wish us luck in Chicago,
-DJ Delicious
Drew and Jordan, two of Chi-Town's best


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